KVM Switch
KVM Switch
------------------------ Introduction
Table of Contents
StreamLine KVM Switches
n Introduction
n Installation
The combination of the StreamLine console and KVM switch offers the
latest, most efficient way to control server rooms and multiple computers.
Four models of StreamLine KVM switches are available to control from 8
to 136 servers by the StreamLine console or another set of console 100ft
(30m) away; it is ideal for various applications.
On-Screen Display (OSD) Menu
Device Connection………….………..…………..………….…….5
Initial Power-up……………….…..………………..….……….…..7
n Operation
Front Panel Push Buttons…….…….…………………..……..….7
OSD(On-Screen Display)Operation…………..……………...….8
Hot-key Commands…………………….……..………...............13
With a StreamLine KVM switch, you can name your computers, switch to
a computer from a list, configure settings with easy-to-use menus, view
the name of the selected computer on-screen with programmable time
interval. The OSD menu displays the system status throughout
Automatic Mouse Conversion
n Cascade Configuration
The StreamLine KVM Switch enables you to connect computers with
PS/2 or serial mouse ports (using adapters supplied with the KVM Switch)
and control the computers from one PS/2 mouse. The StreamLine KVM
Switch automatically identifies the mouse and switches to proper mouse
protocol. This function is effective for computer ports "7" and "8".
Change Configuration while Running………..……….....…….17
n Appendices
High Video Quality
StreamLine's LCD panel supports VGA resolution up to 1024x768
without any degradation. The advanced VGA circuit design guarantees
smooth and flicker-free switching from one computer to the other with
cable length up to 100ft (30M)* at PC sides with the StreamLine KVM
*Tested with high-quality UL2919-rated, low-loss and shielded cables.
Please read this manual thoroughly and follow the
Installation procedures to prevent any damage to the
StreamLine or any connecting device.
nSupports both PS/2 and serial mice
nCascade configuration expands system capability
nAuto-scan automatically selects computers sequentially
nSupports Microsoft IntelliMouse Pro
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
Figure 4: Master computer connection
For computers using serial mouse, connect the DB-9 to mini-DIN-6
adapter (included with the switch) to the computer mouse port, then use
PS/2 cables to connect the mouse to the StreamLine, see figure 5.
Connect the computer's monitor cable to the HD-DB-15 VGA connector.
Note:This function is only available for PC 7 and PC 8 marked with two
Figure 2: A cascade StreamLine configuration
Throughout this manual, Master is the StreamLine KVM switch that
connects directly to the drawer. Slave is a StreamLine KVM switch that
has its CONSOLE port connected to a Master's “PC x” port. Slave only
exists in cascade configuration.
------------------------ Installation
Figure 5: Serial (AT) mouse and PS/2 mouse connection
Device Connection
A slave KVM switch may be mounted to the rear vertical poles inside a
rack cabinet by the rear brackets with keyboard, mouse, monitor
connectors facing out, as figure 6.
Determine the port number of each computer. For computersusing PS/2
mouse, connect the computer's mouse and keyboard cables to the
StreamLine’s connectors marked with
mouse and keyboard
respectively, as shown in figure 4. Repeat this step for PC 1 to PC 8.
Figure 6: Slave KVM switch and rear bracket attachment
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
computer off.
The connectors (keyboard, mouse and monitor) at the Local port on the
rear of the KVM module are not applicable when the module is connected
to the drawer by the C-36 connector. When its C-36 connector is not
connected to the drawer, the KVM module acts as a rear-mount
stand-alone KVM switch.
StreamLine KVM switches provide an easy to use feature to start Auto
Scanning. You can press down both the front-panel number 7 and 8
buttons for 2 seconds to start Auto Scanning.
Initial Power-Up
OSD (On-Screen-Display) Operation
Make sure all computers and the StreamLine KVM switches are
powered down during installation. You must power up the Master
StreamLine before turning on any other devices.
For single StreamLine KVM switch:
1) Apply a power adapter to the Master.
2) Turn on computers.
For cascaded StreamLine KVM switches:
1) Apply a power adapter to the Master.
2) Apply power adapters to all Slaves.
3) Turn on computers.
Note: You may hot plug additional powered-down computer or a slave
StreamLine KVM switch without turning any existing StreamLine or
computer off after initial power up.
------------------------ Operation
Front Panel Push Buttons
A computer may be selected by pressing the front panel push button
directly, by issuing hot-key commands or by activating the OSD window.
The front panel indicator changes to reflect the computer port selected
(red). The indicator flashes red when it is in either Auto Scan or Manual
Scan mode.
Figure 7: OSD screen illustration
By hitting the left <CTRL> key twice within two seconds, you may see the
'Hotkey Menu' if it is enabled (an OSD option). Or, by hitting the left
<CTRL> key three times within two seconds, you will see a 'KVM MENU'
screen showing a list of the computers with corresponding port numbers,
names and status, see figure 7.
K/M RESET solves most problems developed by keyboard, mouse,
device replacement or change of configuration. Press down both the
front-panel number 1 and 2 push buttons for 2 seconds to re-configure
the whole system without turning either the StreamLine Switch or any
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
The port number of the currently selected computer is displayed in red,
same as the front indicator, at the right corner of the OSD menu.
=Function key <F3>: To lock a device (a computer or a Slave) from
unauthorized access, use Security. Security is effective for only one
device (a computer or a Slave). To lock adevice, use the <UP> and
<DOWN> arrow keys to highlight it, then press <F3>. Now, enter up
to 4 characters (‘A’~’Z’, ‘0’~’9, ‘-‘) followed by <ENTER> as new
password. A Security-enabled device is marked with a lock (Ï)
following its port number. To permanently disable the security
function from a locked device, highlight it, press <F3> then enter the
The color of a device name is green if it has power and is ready for
operation, or the color is white as it has no power. OSD menu updates
the color when it is activated. Use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to
highlight a computer and the <ENTER> key to select it. Or, you may
press <ESCAPE> to exit OSD and remove the OSD menu from the
display; the status window returns to the display and indicates the
currently selected computer or operating status.
If you want to access the locked device temporarily, simply highlight
it and press <ENTER>, the OSD will ask you for the password. After
entering correct password, you are allowed to use the device. This
device is automatically re-locked once you switch to another one.
During Scan mode, OSD skips the security-enabled device. Note:
Only one device (a computer or a Slave) can be locked by this
function at a time.
A triangle mark (4) to the right of a name indicates the port is cascaded
to aSlave; the number at the left of the triangle mark shows the number of
ports the Slave has, i.e. 84for an 8-port switch. <ENTER> key brings
you one level down and another screen pops up listing the names of the
computers on that Slave. The name of the Slave will be shown at the
upper right corner of the OSDmenu. It is useful to group computers and
still be able to see the group name.
If you forget the password, the only way to permanently
disable the security function is to remove all possible power
sources from the master StreamLine. You need to turn off all
computers and unplug all power adapters, then restart
An eye mark (N) to the right of a name indicates that computer is
selected to be monitored in Scan mode. In OSD, this mark can be
switched on or off by function key <F2>.
Press <ESCAPE> key to exit OSD and to return to the selected computer;
the computer name is also shown on the screen.
=Function key <F4>: More functions are available by hitting <F4>.
A new screen pops up displayingmore functions as described below.
Most of them are marked with a triangle (4) indicating there are
options to choose from. Using the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys,
select the functions and press <ENTER>. Available options will be
shown in the middle of the screen. Again, using the <UP> and
<DOWN> arrow keys to view options then press <ENTER> to select
it. You can press <ESCAPE> to exit at any time.
=Function key <F1>: To edit name entry of a computer or a Slave.
First, use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to highlight a port then
press <F1> followed by name entry. Valid characters are ‘A’~’Z’,
‘0’~’9’ and the dash character. Lowercase letters are converted to
uppercase ones. Press <BACKSPACE> to delete a letter one at a
time. Non-volatile memory stores all name entries until you change,
even if the unit is powered down.
n Auto Scan
In this mode, the StreamLine automatically switches from
one power-on computer to the next sequentially in a fixed
interval. During Auto Scan mode, the OSD displays the
name of the selected computer. When Auto Scan
detects any keyboard or mouse activity, it suspends the
scanning till activity stops; it then resumes with the next
computer in sequence. To abort the Auto Scan mode, press
the left <CTRL> twice, or, press any front button. Scan Type
=Function key <F2>: To switch the eye mark (N) of a computer on
or off. First, use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to highlight it,
then press <F2> to switch its eye mark on or off. If Scan Type is
'Ready PC +N', only the power-on and eye mark selected
computers will be displayed sequentially in
Scan mode.
and Scan Rate set the scan pattern.
Scan Type
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
(<F4>:More\Scan Type) determines if scanned computers
must also be eye mark selected. Scan Rate
n Hotkey Menu
(<F4>:More\Scan Rate) sets the display interval when a
computer is selected before selecting the next one.
When you hit the left <CTRL> key twice within two seconds,
the "Hotkey Menu" appears displaying a list of hot-key
commands if the option is On. The 'Hotkey Menu' can be
turned Off if you prefer not to see it when the left <CTRL>
key is hit twice. The non-volatile memory stores the Hotkey
Menu setting.
n Manual Scan
Scan through power-on computers one by one by keyboard
control. can Type (<F4>:More\Scan Type) determines if
scanned computers must also be eye mark selected. Press
the up arrow key (á) to select the previous computer and the
down arrow key (â) to select the next computer. Press any
other key to abort the Manual Scan mode.
n CH Display
Auto Off: After you select a computer, the port number and
name of the computer will appear on the screen for 3
seconds then disappear automatically. Always On: The port
number and name of a selected computer and/or OSD status
displayed on the screen all the time. The non-volatile
memory stores the CH Display setting.
n Audio Stick
An optional multimedia module can be LINKed to the back of
each StreamLine KVM switch for selecting microphone and
stereo speaker signals. There are two options forAudio Stick:
ON and Off. When set to O' n', audio selection follows
computer selection. When set to 'Off', audio selection stops
following computer selection. It is useful if you want to listen
to a particular computer's audio signal while operating other
computers. The non-volatile memory stores the Audio Stick
n Position
The position of the selected computer name and/or OSD
status displayed on screen during operation. The actual
display position shifts due to different VGA resolution, the
higher the resolution the higher the display position. The
non-volatile memory stores the Position setting.
UL as Upper Left, UR as Upper Right,
n Scan Type
LL as Lower Left, LR as Lower Right.
MI as Middle.
Ready PC +N: In Scan mode, scan through power-on and
eye mark selected computers.
=ESC: To exit the OSD, press the <ESCAPE> key.
Ready PC: In Scan mode, scan through power-on
computers. The non-volatile memory stores the Scan Type
n Scan Rate
Sets the duration of a computer displayed inAuto Scan mode.
The options are3 seconds, 8 seconds, 15 seconds and 30
seconds. The non-volatile memory stores the Scan Rate
n Keyboard Speed
StreamLine’s offer keyboard typematic settings that override
the similar settings in BIOS and in Windows. Available speed
options are Low, Middle, Fast and Faster as 10, 15, 20 and
30 characters/sec respectively. The non-volatile memory
stores the Keyboard Speed setting.
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
Hot-key commands
g To start Auto Scan, automatically scan power-on computers one by
one at a fixed interval:
Hot-key command is a short keyboard sequence to select a computer, to
activate computer scan, etc. StreamLine interprets keystrokes for
hot-keys all the time. A hot-key sequence starts with two left <CTRL>
keystrokes followed by one or two more keystrokes. A built-in buzzer
generates a high-pitch beep for correct hot-key command; otherwise,one
low-pitch beep for error and the bad key sequence will not be forwarded
to the selected computer.
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + F 1
When Auto Scan detects any keyboard or mouse activity, it suspends
the scanning till activity stops; it then resumes with the next computer in
sequence. The length of the Auto Scan interval (Scan Rate) is
adjustable, see below. To abort theAuto Scan mode, press the left Ctrl
key twice.
The short form hot-key menu can be turned on as an OSD function (<F4>:
more\Hotkey Menu) every time the left <CTRL> key is pressed twice.
Note:Scan Type determines whether an eye-marked computer is to be
displayed during Auto Scan.
L-CTRL: is the <CTRL> key located at the left side of the
g Manual Scan enables you to manually switch back and forth between
power-on computers.
1~8/A~H: are the number keys '1' ~ '8' at the upper row of the
keyboard and character keys 'A' ~ 'H' case insensitive.
Do not use the keypad at the right of the keyboard.
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + F2
Press • or ¯ to select the previous or the next computer in sequence.
And, press any other key to abort the Manual Scan.
Note: Scan Type determines whether an eye-marked computer is to be
displayed during Auto Scan.
g To select a computer by hot-key command, you must know its port
number, which is determined by the StreamLine KVM switch
connection. For a computer connected to a Master, its port is
represented by the PC port label (1~8 or A~H). For a computer
connected to a Slave, two characters represent its port. The first
character is the port number of the Master unit (1~8) and the second
one is the port number of the Slave (1~8 or A~H). Please note that
only Master's 'PC 1' ~'PC 8' ports can be connected to a Slave.
g To adjust Scan Rate which sets the duration before switching to the
next computer in Auto Scan:
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + F3
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + 7
Selects a computer connected to port 7 of the Master.
The StreamLine sends one to four beeps indicating scan interval of3, 8,
15 and 30 seconds respectively.
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + 6 + C
g To adjust keyboard typematic rate (characters/sec), this setting
Selects a computer connected to port C of a Slave connected to port 6
of the Master.
over-rides that of BIOS and any operating system:
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + F4
The StreamLine generates 1 to 4 beeps corresponding to10, 15, 20 and
30 characters/sec respectively.
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
g Audio Stick
An optional multimedia module can be LINKed to the back of each
StreamLine for selecting microphone and stereo speaker signals.
There are two options for Audio Stick: ON and Off. When set to 'On',
audio selection follows computer selection. When set to 'Off', audio
selection stops following computer selection. It is useful if you want to
listen to a particular computer's audio signal while operating other
Left Ctrl + left Ctrl + F5
The StreamLine generates 1 or 2 beeps corresponding to On and Off
-------------------- Cascade Configuration
Figure 9: Cascaded 8-port StreamLine KVM switches
Before connecting a device (a computer or a Slave KVM switch) to the
MasterStreamLine KVMswitchunder power, you must turn off the device.
The Master must have equal or more 'PC x' ports than that of the Slave,
i.e., if SL-18 is the master, SL-18 can be a Slave, but not the SL-216.
For OSD menu:
After connection completes, you should re-activate
the OSD menu to check if the Master recognizes the
Slaves. A triangle mark (4) is placed to the right of
the channel name indicating the port is connected to
a Slave not a computer. A number to the left of the
triangle mark indicates the Slave model, i.e. 84 for
an 8-port switch.
The ports labeled "PC 1"~”PC 8” can be connected to either a computer
or aSlave's CONSOLEport, as shown in figure8. The ports “PC A"~”PC
H” can only be connected to a computer.
Figure 8: Slave console connection
The maximum number of computers controlled by a master/slave
configuration with all 8-port units is 64 -- with 8 Slaves and each Slave
connects to 8 computers, see figure 9.
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
------------------------ Appendices
Change Configuration while Running
A device (a computer or a KVM switch) at any 'PC x' port can be changed
at any time after initial power-up. If you change any one of the “PC 1” to
“PC 8” ports connection from a computer to a Slave or vice versa, or
replace the devices of a port; the OSD will update this change the next
time it is activated.
User port number
Computer port number
Cascade control PC number
On-screen display (OSD)
Front panel button control
Note: Any new device must be turned off before it is connected to the
Up to 64*
Up to 64*
Up to 136*
8, available when connected to a KVM
Hot plug-and-play
Hot-key control
Yes, 19”industry-standard
3, 8, 15, 30 seconds
30M (100ft) at CONSOLE
30M (100ft) at PC ports
1920 x 1440, DDC2B
Automatic scan interval
Programmable scan pattern
Cable length (Max)
VGA bandwidth
KVM drawer connector
Computer mouse connector
PS/2, serial (with adapters for 2 ports)
HDB-15 male
Console mouse connector
HDB-15 female
H x W x D (mm)
Rear-mount brackets
1U-height, included
Power supply (min)
12V DC
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
Remove any possible power
supply to the slave (unplug all
cables), before connecting it to
the Master
Ensure that all cables are well seated. Check that keyboard/mouse
cables are not swapped. Label and bundle the cables for each computer
to avoid confusion when connected to the StreamLine.
The computer was in
Press both SHIFT keys
strokes shifted shifted state when last
Theé and
All PCs are off or only one Turn computers on.
êkeys do not PC is turned on. Scan
Nothing works Bad connection at the
C-36 connectors
Possible causes
Recommended solutions
work in Manual mode works for power-on Press any other key to abort
Scan computers only Manual Scan mode.
Push the assembled drawer and
the KVM module box firmly
together leaving only 8mm (5/16
inch) space in between. Be sure
they are secured by two screws.
Scan type is eye mark Set proper Scan type in OSD and
selected but no PC is eye determine which PCs are eye
mark selected in OSD.
mark selected, do it in OSD.
monitor Another keyboard or If the C-36 connector on the KVM
Auto Scan does All PCs are off or only one Turn on computers
not switch PC PC is turned on. Scan
beeps from time
to time and red Scan type is eye mark
works fine but mouse is connected to module box connects to a KVM
keyboard and the rear side of the KVM drawer, its Local console should
touch pad does module box (marked with not connect to any keyboard or
the mode works for power-on Set proper Scan Type in OSD
computers only
and determine which PCs are
eye mark selected, do it in OSD.
not work.
Local) when the C-36 mouse.
connector is connected
to the KVM drawer.
selected but no power-up Press left CTRL key twice to
PC is eye mark selected in abort Auto Scan mode.
Press any front button to select a
PC, and Auto Scan stops
Improper slave connection Press push buttons 1 and 2 down
Connection inside the Verify if the KVM drawer is bad by
KVM drawer becomes disconnecting it from the KVM
loose due to vibration.
module box (the C-36 connector
is not connected). Connect a
keyboard, mouse and monitor to
the Local port on the KVM
Double OSD
images at
for 2 seconds to activate K/M
computer to any of the PC ports
and use the KVM module box as
a stand-alone KVM switch.
Remove any possible power
supply to the Slave (unplug all
cables), before connecting it to
the Master
front The buttons at the left side Use a standard KVM switch box
panel buttons of the front buttons (the
do not work
OSD menu is
not at the
OSD menu has fixed Use <F4>:More\Position to select
resolution and its size UL or UR. OSD menu may
KVM Switch section) is
only effective if a KVM
switch box is directly
connected to the KVM
drawer by the C-36
proper position varies due to computer appear near the middle of the
VGA resolution changes. screen when LL or LR is
Computer can Loose mouse adapter
not use serial
Secure the mouse adapter to
computer’s COM port
No OSD screen No
the Establish power by turning on
computers, wait, press left CTRL
keys several times.
Incorrect mouse adapter
Use only the mouse adapter
comes with the unit
Loose monitor connection
Monitor not multi-sync
Reconnect monitor
port The mouse conversion is only
effective at PC ports 7 and 8.
Use multi-sync monitor
Can not select a Improper Master unit
Only Master ports PC1~PC8 can
be connected to slaves.
Keyboard error Loose keyboard
Make sure keyboard cables are
Well seated
Make sure slave’s CONSOLE is
connected to Master’s PC 1~ PC
8 port
connected to a
on boot
Improper installation
Improper slave unit
Connect slave CONSOLE port to
PC1~PC8 ports of the Master
does not work procedures
Too many levels of slaves Only one level of slave units is
allowed. Pop up OSD again to
Press and hold the 1 and 2 push
buttons to initiate K/M reset
KVM Switch
KVM Switch
check if Master recognizes the
slave connection. Look for
Limited Warranty
triangle mark and the number
before it.
Computers do not supply Make sure a power adapter with
fails to function
enough power.
minimum of 9V 500mA output
rating is firmly connected to the
power jack.
ConnectPROä makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied with
respect to the contents or use of this documentation, and especially disclaims its
quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
ConnectPROä also reserves the right to revise or update the product or
documentation without obligation to notify any user of such revisions or updates.
All the brand names and registered trademarks are the property of their respective
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